Purchase management with Shopper

The Process

Workflow & Dashboard

Budget monitoring

Contract registration

Request articles





Invoice processing



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The advantages of purchase management with ImageCapture

  • Full insight into expected costs
  • Direct insight into budgets, contracts, and price agreements per supplier
  • Purchase requests in Shopper from internal catalogues or in direct link with webshops
  • Digitalisation of the full process, from purchase to payment
  • Integral processing of cost and purchase invoices in ImageCapture
  • Automatic matching with purchase orders and receipts in Shopper and Exact Globe
  • Costs are booked directly into your financial system, blocked for payment
  • Digital authorisation with ImageCapture Workflow and Archive 
  • Automatically generates an audit trail document with booking and authorisation data, to be requested from Exact Globe, Exact Financials, and ImageCapture’s Archive
  • Expansion with reporting module possible

Success stories with Archifact Shopper & ImageCapture

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